Bonavia Foundation PBS Kansas Museum
Open 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. on weekdays.
8710 E. 32nd St. N Wichita, KS 67226
History comes alive in the Bonavia Foundation PBS Kansas Museum! Our new museum features technology from the past 50 years, including vintage cameras and other broadcast equipment, a timeline of our station, traveling exhibits and more. Welcome to your public media center where relics meet state-of-the-art equipment!
Cookie Monster Exhibit
Open letter to PBS Kansas
We thank PBS Kansas Channel 8, home of Sesame Street, for allowing us to share a portion of the Cookie Monster collection of our brother, Chris Foster (1953-2021). Chris came by this collection accidentally. He had a special oatmeal and chocolate chip cookie recipe that he honed to perfection over the years. On holidays and special gatherings, he shared these delicious treats with family and a few fortunate friends. At some point, many years ago, someone gave him a Cookie Monster as a thank-you. The idea of Chris needing more Cookie Monster items caught on, and soon he was gifted with many more. We hope you enjoy this collection as much as we have enjoyed putting it together in his memory.
-The Foster Family

Chris was a lifelong resident of Wichita. He attended East High and Wichita State University. He worked for many years at Boeing as a Business Planning Analyst. Chris began making oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies that he shared with friends and family, who would lovingly refer to them as "Uncle Chris' Cookies." As one of nine siblings, he had the opportunity to share a lot of cookies. Someone gave him a Cookie Monster gift as a thank you around 25 years ago, which began the tradition of gifting him more and more Cookie Monster items. He did not buy any of his own. Unfortunately, Chris never shared the cookie recipe with anyone, so his family has not been able to duplicate his cookies, even after many attempts. While his family and friends miss "Uncle Chris' Cookies," Uncle Chris is missed more.
We are grateful for the opportunity to share this collection with the community. This special exhibit will be available in the Bonavia Foundation PBS Kansas Museum, open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on weekdays.
Cookie Monster Resources
Cookie's favorite food starts with the letter C -- that's good enough for him!
See the "C is for Cookie" record in our museum for a limited time!